Claymore New Wiki
Scene 068
Scene 068

Original magazine title

抗しうる者 Ⅰ, Kōshi-urumono I (Defiant Ones I)

Tankōbon title

Same as original, Volume 12

US tankōbon title

The Defiant Ones, Part 1

New character

Rachel (unnamed), Audrey (unnamed), Rado, Miata


Maybe... it was the ghosts of the fallen warriors from seven years ago?


Toulouse, Sutafu


Forest, Organization Headquarters

Next scene

Scene 069

Previous scene

Scene 067

Cold open

In Toulouse, Audrey's Hunt discusses disaster of Dabi Hunt. And how the hunt members were mysteriously rescued. Rachel suggests ghosts of the Northern Campaign.


Executive meeting

Clarice reports to Chief Rimuto at Executive meeting. She only counted 17 swords as gravemarks. Seven are missing.

Everyone but Rubel dismisses the possibility of survivors. Nina is replaced with warrior No. 7 (Anastasia, unnamed).

After meeting, Rado, Clarice's handler, orders her to report to No. 4, Miata. Clarice is to serve as Miata's assistant.

No. 4

When Clarice enters Miata's apartment, Miata attacks. But instead of killing Clarice, Mitata tears open Clarice's top and begins to mimic breastfeeding. A maternal bond begins.



They bask in warmth and sunlight. But their joy is interrupted by Tabitha, who detects a hunt. And a very powerful [[:Category:Awakened_Being|Awakened Being].

Talent hunt

Riful greets Audrey's Hunt.
